Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Loser Brother

My brother has taken it upon himself to work in South Africa. I'm not sure what sort of work he does, all I know is that I get pictures like these from him from time to time:

Yeah buddy, you look like you're working hard - what was it coffee break time?

I think I see a telephone pole in the background - so its possible you're close to a job site.

I'm headed out there in March of this year - my company was nice enough to give me 2 weeks off (I hope they don't realize how replaceable I am while I'm out). When I return I promise to post some pictures of whatever I manage to bag (likely just malaria, but I'll share pics just the same).

I also plan on doing a little diving in Cape Town.....

(Its a good thing I'll be in a cage and underwater - that way when I piss myself, nobody will know)

....and Mozambique:

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